Friday, November 09, 2012

(it's) not over


Te ví, en la mañana;
ironía del universo. (Careful what you wish for).


Me tallo las manos.
Trato de ser gracioso.
Desvío la mirada.
Silencio incómodo.
(Atiendes tus cosas).
Platico con alguien más.
Caminamos a su auto.
Me despido.
(No me despedí de ti).
Llego a casa.
Prendo la compu.
Veo aparecer ese punto verde
                         [junto a tu nombre.
Evito escribirte un mensaje.
Apago la compu.
Me voy a la cama.
Batallo con el insomnio.
Dormido finalmente
                         [me quedo.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Do I have a talent for making people believe I am more talented/intelligent/whatever than I really am or am I just an under achiever?


Sunday, July 22, 2012


I stop being (considered) your friend
when I'm no longer useful to you.
(My trades? "smart"... that's the one thing about me that I think is useful to the rest of mankind -emphasis on the "").

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Drawn to the pretty

It's not just the way you look,
It's your smile,
The way you carry yourself,
What you know,
What you're interested to know,
That you're interested to know,
The kind and wise words you offer to your friends
 [oh how I wish I could count myself amongst them].

But my intentions were not exactly pure,
And from my stubborn hope now comes the guilt.
Unknowingly I placed the bets against myself.

I didn't hurt you.
I hurt no one.
At least, of that I can be proud.
 [That's the thing with having a talent for going unnoticed,
   You have to acknowledge when it serves you right].

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Clear the dust...

and stare at the forgotten revelations.

I like you... a lot.
I think I do.

You don't [like me]
You can't... won't.

I'll mimic you
'Cause my liking of anybody
Always comes with a little admiration.

And if when you go
I'll go... back to my characteristic poker face.
That's my style (IN YOUR FACE, THERAPIST!)

Mates say I should lower my standards and just get laid. Overweight hypocrites.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I thought I was..

How does it work?
How do we(I) make it work?
Maybe if I put on a white robe,
Tear it apart,
Stare through the magnifying glass.

I'll pick it apart,
Belittle its charm,
watch from afar.

In the end
I'm back to square one,
armed with a heart covered in tar.